

I love travel, history, and genealogy, especially all at the same time! I also enjoy food, wine, animals, funny stuff...Photos are curated faves!

フォロー数:11204 フォロワー数:31871

Rackwick Bay, Hoy, Orkney by craigie3000 on Flickr

16 44

Flash of Red in the Western Isle Skies, Scotland

6 15

Glen etive morning by glenetive on 500px

4 10

The Lonely Rowan by Dave Holder Via Flickr

2 20

“The Lonely Rowan" by Dave Holder Via Flickr

32 120

Like the light on this one. Isle of Skye [uncredited]

18 32

Elgol Sunset and Rock Strata . Loch Scavaig. Isle of Skye. Scotland. by Barbara Jones

5 5

Guardian of the Valley by Stephen Emerson on Fivehundredpx

3 5