

Squib arteest!

I draw cute stuff, dark stuff and semi-gore stuff!


フォロー数:140 フォロワー数:20611

You can also add more glowing effects! To make things more bright, you can add white, or yellow for warmer colours, and add a fuzzy effect behind it!

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You can have multiple light sources too! You will always have your main light source but there might be light coming from somewhere else! Also keep in mind how light reflects and bounces off things!

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Above those layers, you can start adding light to them! I like to use the colours that are under the filter layer, but you need to keep in mind what colour the light source is! Also keep in mind what direction and how close the light source is!

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Then above the layer that you just created, make another layer and lock the colours so it doesn't go outside the colours. Change the black layer to multiply so the coloured layers can be seen! You can now see the eyes pop!

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See thread for basic lighting!

Start with your base colours!

Then on a new layer (above your colour layers but below eye or any other colour you want to glow) paint the character black (it doesn't really matter what colour) Cont.

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Sorry for the scary images, but to me, it looks like red doesn't have much highlights! But if you wanna make it glow, use yellow! If it's for glowing eyes, I wouldn't add much highlight (use pinks)! X3 I could be completely off, but that's what I do!

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