

art twitter ● original + fanart ● drawings/all the things ● 創作メイン ● 何でも屋 ● main @zakomonster (※英語注意)●English/中文/日本語ok ● followbacks for unlocked nonspam accs

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for HAPPY BIRTHDAY may ur sons be gay forevermore

86 90

some recent stuff for friends...been playing with gaussian blur a lot HGLKFJDFL

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some valentine's gifts for friends ✨💖👊

46 169

still got a bunch of todos so I don't have many spare doodles lying around...I wanna doodle...

2 16

I prrrrrrrobably can't show what I've been working on yet so some very miscellaneous doodles from in between...

1 6

I've just been watching this repeatedly ... have some misc doodles

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also, bourbon charm...will most likely be getting it printed w/ pixiv factory

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