

main→@ts_t_ ❧日常+多肉植物+落書きetc. ❧ 英語多め ❧ i: @scramellln

フォロー数:431 フォロワー数:221

7. """"nanaki kazuaki"""" - hatoful boyfriend
guess we're giving up on the One Character Per Series thing but hi more bird

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4. idate - watgbs/ice scream
i hate this guy actually

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3. kai satou - kimi ga shine
aight we all knew this was coming. man im so glad that mister satou is alive on this fine day

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2. lance - nameless: the one thing you must recall
HE........ i wantn to hold hmi softly and tell hjm that i vlvoe him andn i jsut want him to be happy lanCE NAMELELSS IF YOURE OUTT HEHRE I LOVE YUO

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1. laslow - fire emblem
I LOVE HIM hes soft and i just want him to be happy hes such a kind human being and i want the best for him. i hope that he knows that i love h

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like for a color and post your faves associated with that color!
ngl i associate kai with red more but thats okay there he is i love you mister satou

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2016 tsuta vs 2020 tsuta
trans rights https://t.co/XIgB3qt24r

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my art used to be so sparkly but now im just. emo bitch hours

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four characters related to the color: purple

reply for a color!

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i suddenly cant remember my fandoms but hello, hi,

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