dove ☻さんのプロフィール画像

dove ☻さんのイラストまとめ

aw dang

フォロー数:343 フォロワー数:48

congratulations!!!! ive followed u for a little bit but its amazing to see how far youve gotten in that small amount of time :D & im dove, all i do is draw & occasionally animate! hoping to get to maybe 50, i just enjoy posting doodles lol

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HI im dove! i doodle sometimes & like bright colors :D dont have a goal in mind, i just like posting for people to enjoy!

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I DRAWART AND WATCHTOONS no main subtwt but id love 2 talk to more cartoon fans!!!

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no cops at pride only gay rabbit and fat dog

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i'm dove! i doodle occasionally & am new to this all lol
& congratulations!!! happy to see both a talented and supportive creator get so far :]

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shaped like a friend

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hi! im dove & im new to twitter in general, but i draw sometimes :D i plan to do much more, like posting animatics/speedpaints on my channel, & im always up to chat! requests/art trades/collabs are usually no problem :3

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i got the glimpse of connor tommy n tubbo and just thought

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whats lookin good cookin :pensive: :sunglasses:

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