月 守さんのプロフィール画像

月 守さんのイラストまとめ


フォロー数:332 フォロワー数:662

As the sun sets on the Grand Canyon and the Crimson Air washes into a deep midnight blue, a new battle begins under the moonlight. As onlookers to this spectacle, may we witness a duel worth the banquet feast laid before us. 🛵🍽️🎆

Jan 14 @ 8PM EST at https://t.co/dGuP1a0R4C

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i will not be taking questions at this time

6 28

Georgia French Bread plays a game

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When you get cooked in OJ

10 15

Fighting games are cancelled
Only eating games now

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In the Gacha of life, friends are the rarest units of them all so please cherish them 😇🙏

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When people ask me how's DFCI:

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She toxgirl but also sadgirl

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I'm starting to think being purple may be a medical condition.

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Purple characters are so consistently on brand it's amazing

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