

Hi there o/

I'm just a random girl, who enjoy playing Minecraft, drawing and writing stories ^^

Part of the Daneland Building Squard!


フォロー数:55 フォロワー数:82

I'm sorry for not streaming that much...

Drawing just feels painful right now...

(Sorry for venting...)

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Both and killed me (as I was one of their soldiers) in XCOM .-.

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Well, here you go

I hope you like it ^^

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This does not look like hair to me ;_;

I failed ;_:

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Hey , do you wanna be an Arctic fox? (Will finish if the design is approved)

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Decided to finish one of the sketches, because why not X)

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Still streaming, but I'm already done with the drawing of little eclipse-mage ^^

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Look at this nerd

He's a cutie

I don't know why .-.

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Decided to draw 's character Cael ^^

I hope that I drew him right X)

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Happy birthday to my lovely littlesister and my friend ! :D

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