Sparkletrout 🍆🎉☕️🍹⏳💌さんのプロフィール画像

Sparkletrout 🍆🎉☕️🍹⏳💌さんのイラストまとめ

spending money on things I don't need

フォロー数:189 フォロワー数:141

been trying to practice with my art tablet, but I don't actually have any proper drawing programs, so I'm using MS Paint of all things. I think this came out okay, all things considered.

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Aw heck, Ghamak Miniatures is making Roman Adeptus Mechanicus styled minis in July. I think I'm going to need these.

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I hope our donut dragon is still doing well out there

Art by:

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Oh, okay then. Whenever you're ready, we'll be there.

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