

Stop the war in Ukraine!

---- Keep calm and love programming.

フォロー数:250 フォロワー数:136

Se dovessi vivere perennemente rinchiusa in una pokeball anche io darei la scossa a tutti.

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Lo! in the orient when the gracious light
Lifts up his burning head, each under eye
Doth homage to his new-appearing sight,
Serving with looks his sacred majesty

Sonnet 7

1 6

Noble patricians, patrons of my right,
Defend the justice of my cause with arms;
And, countrymen, my loving followers,
Plead my successive title with your swords

Titus Andronicus - Act 1 Scene 1

1 6

Eight wild boars roasted whole at a breakfast—and but twelve persons there! Is this true?
Antony and Cleopatra - Act 2 Scene 2

12 34

Lovers ever run before the clock.
The Merchant of Venice - Act 2 Scene 6

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It's the Google i/o day! . They never say the name of the next Android version, but who knows! Android Quiche-Lorraine? Qube? Quasar? Quark? Quod-Est-Demonstrandum? Quisque -faber-fortunae-suae?

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A horse! a horse! my kingdom for a horse!

(ok, an unicorn will do)

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As legions of superhero in tights teach to us, superheroes don't follow fashion.

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A long time ago, someone already knew robots were cool.

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