

TUBBS from the internet on the internet. Just the pudgy pup furry bear daddy himself…

フォロー数:1297 フォロワー数:9020

another row of the transformation pipe rack down, went from bull to hippo to badger to crock to tigger

1 15

as requested by my buddy . I sumoed and cartoonised him heh

2 27

almost halfway done.......mooo

7 73

rino to piggeh to phant and another row of the rack done for

4 37

I hear you on the cindy king but SirEctor for me all the way

9 36

ooops, forgot to post the rino one on here, this is before the pig...duh. also cartooneyed him up abit from the anime version I did of him

0 13

you knew the pig was commin

0 13

sorry its taken so long, my old work computer kinda sploded back now

7 35

a buddy of mine wanted to see me with bigger belly, extra chin and bigger back sooooo....surprise

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