

21 // maddie/max // non-binary something or other // va, artist // dni if proship etc.

フォロー数:935 フォロワー数:451

sam week, day 3: au
grease, ofc. he's rockin' that dress, btw ;)

8 62

// vent art

who am i?

(ah the struggles of figuring yourself out sure is pretty rad amiright? no just a gender identity crisis is all)

0 1

"AllLlLLl I wAanT....fOr cHrisTmAaAaaAAaAaasSss.......IiIsiisisiISiis.......yOuoIIoUoUouOUou"
*you can hear mariah carey sing ominously in the distance

0 2

Noelle and Susie heading to the carnival :) I love these two omg 😭

10 42