

Inactive account of Typearture: Typefaces by Arthur Reinders Folmer

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フォロー数:497 フォロワー数:4283

This is right up my alley with my Initial Disasters: Letters highlighting the harm we do to the environment. See the full list > https://t.co/jNnupB8uds and in more detail here: https://t.co/PBrWYoIE3q

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Sugarshop Panqué v0.2 gets added richness of chocolate and super-sweet sugar glazing. What a change a palette swap can make!

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Look at those possibilities for Panqué, which would you like to see explored? Be sure to join along for the ride!

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And what about a variable font as a small movie?

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3 is for three domains, to which we all belong

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Y is for Yangtze, bringing lands into drought

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N is for Nauru, all island's resources consumed

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M is for Mir, leaving a gaping wound

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L is for Love Canal, lurking under a hill

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G is for the Great Smog, dense as soup

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