

I'm an art-hobbyist "mostly" posting Vampyr fanart here
#Vampyr discords
PembrokeHospital: discord.gg/3XSTAqcfhU
Myrddin'sTroublmakers: discord.gg/5AY47xD3J2

フォロー数:84 フォロワー数:141

I'm not sure if it was a good idea to put Jonathan's thoughts in rectangular speechbubbles...
part 30

1 4

crack AU idea >_>;

with ....
Jon and Geoff in their younger years....

2 8

"This will only sting a little bit." prompt

Jonathan keeps the minimum distance for vampires to Geoffrey <__<;

3 18

"Sugar helps the medicine go down.”
/ prompt >__>;

3 15

Happy B-Day to the game! ^^
Still hoping we'll see more of this world... and Jonathan and his friends.... >__>

1 5



Found in a garbage can prompt.
It could be a little tale about a little but also an AU >__>

6 27