

31M ‖ 2D + 3D ‖

フォロー数:383 フォロワー数:44

so yeah i uh tweaked it

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whipped these up to maybe give a better idea of what some styles would look like

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recent-er stuff
rendering OCs in different styles for fun and to help myself nail down some visual consistency across said styles

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done (i need to stop spending hours on details that literally no one will see)

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recent stuff ft. Runa and Shireaux mostly

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okay depicting foreshortening with JUST value was hard

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progress shots from a grayscale painting i'm working on
i didn't actually detail anything under the black bars. i'm just playing it safe like a lame-o

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jumping on this old meme train for some reason
yes i left out the crown

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not sure what colors to use lol help

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