

Artist, writer, hobbyist & mech pilot extraordinaire. Find more of my art on Artstation instagram.com/uberbman/ uberbman.artstation.com

フォロー数:1146 フォロワー数:452

WIP:This is the story of a haunted man grieving the untimely demise of his long lost wife. Receiving a mysterious transmission from his deceased wife, he answers the call that drives him to cross the enigmatic wasteland, encountering its forlorn inhabitants and Eldritch horrors.

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Working on a my own creator owned series Ashened. Looking forward to launching a indiegogo or Kickstarter in the very near future. A version of it will be available on the Macroverse app too.

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I’ve always been partial to this page. Especially panel 6&7, because it kind of in a steers TFs into horror territory with the dislocation of his jaw. It just looks painful. There’s another I’m forgetting with a similar pose with someone’s gaping maw.

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Greetings and salutations.

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Is it bad that I don’t remember doing this bug queen image? You enough drawings/paintings & you’re bound to forget some along the way. If I recall I made this over the course of a phone call.

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I forgot to share my Instagram where I share stuff almost daily there to anyone who wants to follow & network. Here’s some other stuff too. https://t.co/QnZVPwpKa8 Thanks!

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I guess everyone on planet earth named Richard that potentially goes by the nickname Dick should now change their name to “Ric” because it’s outdated.

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