

He/Him┊21┊Chile, ESP/ENG

フォロー数:747 フォロワー数:374

With some friends we are going to make some gifts for an streamer we like so we n3ed m0ney for the production of these!! if you 0rder a c0mm would be very helpfull :D l!nk of my info below hehe

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Would someone like one or a few animated 3motes for $3️⃣0️⃣ each? Its a discount of it original price and will discount more in batches!
Just something to work on between other cmms aa

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Hey! Im Anto, a trans guy from Chile! my second T shot is next month and for that I need to buy Nebido, the price is on image

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Will be kinda similar to my animated emot3s but half body chibi and was thinking about $60 for one? and maybe $250 for 5?

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Can also do looped art 👀

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Examples of my coloring!

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I dont have proper price sheet but it starts at $30 for a front view!

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Does someone wants a full body for $35? Original price is $50
Will be like the first but coloring like the other two!!

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