


フォロー数:367 フォロワー数:1845

head full of THIS wonyoung

6 27

she's the pure of heart, dumb of ass AND the lesbian

0 7

luminescent rainbow white tingz

0 4

meiqi: how many years has it been?

xuanyi: seven years...

meiqi: the two of us, from 2014 until now...only the two of us stayed together until the end

xuanyi: the fact that the two of us could make it until today- I think some things are destined

41 93

isac is eunbo's playground

3 7

i feel so sorry for orbits who hate on wjsn and ujungs who hate on loona cause chuu is collecting the wjsn girls like pokemons at this point and y'all can't stop her

414 1499

friendly reminder that all of wjsn have abs...

30 156