

A radical dame that likes to play games.

Heather | She/Her | 🏳️‍⚧️ disaster trans girl 🏳️‍⚧️

フォロー数:466 フォロワー数:27664

Woah another color change. Trying a huntress wizard vibe here.

27 642

look at what u dont have god it must suck to be u

0 13



i sing sometimes
im terrible cuz singing with a trans voice is so hard, but its still fun to try

75 1154

small animation test :>

57 925

here are some SUPER low effort doodles. btw is it bad that all i want for my upcoming bday is gift art of my stupid blue dragon?

17 458

I have such a lack of confidence with colors and shading that I always think the linework looks better than the final picture. Anyways, here is my wickerbeast.

27 541

A little birthday present to the birthday boy himself , love ya dude 💙

10 287