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does anyone know what on gods green earth this image is supposed to mean

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kind of going insane cus i found out the first kamen rider game was released for the fm7 in 1984 but i cant find a rom ANYWHERE and every website uses the same like 3 screenshots im gonna die

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maud did not win do NOT trust a single thing they say

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1994 best sonic game ever made and also just one of the best platformers ever made idc

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1999 the best traditional fire emblem game!!!!! genuinely cant get over how crackheaded this game is its such bullshit but also so breakable its such a blast. i must mention my nearly statmaxed marty every time i mention this game

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2000 i didnt beat this game until this year which sucks cus this games actually so fun despite how simplistic it is for an rpg

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2001 the absolute goat of 3d sonic as far as im concerned this game is actually just the coolest thing ever to me

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2004 at first i thought "man this games kinda boring" and then i got invested and fell down the biggest rabbit hole of my life. ive been meaning to replay this one for so long and i HAVE replayed like the first chapter of it but i need to play more..

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2009 i had work experience week at some retail electronics store when i was 15 and i was also reading this at the time and all i remember was wishing i could get home and read this more instead of standing around doing fuck all during the least busy week of that stores life

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2011 the more i think back on this game the more i feel it dropped the ball on some specific things (the true villain reveal lol) but theres also so many damn raw moments in this game i cant help but love it. id do unspeakable things to randy that i simply cannot tweet

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