

A sense of humor is the main measure of sanity • Vaya con dios 🙏🏼

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Incredible Dork ser, art is literally sick

9 29

💯 👆🏼 … nostalgic Garbage Paul Kid feels

10 37

My Mutant is a Dork and my Dork is a Mutant …brothers from other mothers.

17 75

It’s so cool when you find a smaller collection, that isn’t pumped with fake hype, the community builds organically & the features are literally sick … I give you the

36 90

… you did this to me, and now I’m a damn Dork.

21 70

Frenly tip, take time to explore the ecosystem, you won't be disappointed ... claiming the albums from the Genesis TOR collection is⚡️ When you dive into the artwork by mastermind you begin to appreciate the time, spirit, & energy put into TOR.

10 27

is 🔥, evolved at it’s own pace, no matter wth else is goin on in the market(s). & the band, are building, building, & building … concerts on the way, can’t wait to see what these Demi-Gods of Rock look like 👀 👀 🤘🏼🤘🏼

8 39

Absolute maniac right here, peeps sleeping on … tons of value, great team, and tremendous road ahead, let’s rock! 🤘🏼🤘🏼🤘🏼

8 58

Thank you for suiting up my mutated ... so dope. Mars Cat community is awesome!

27 94

The Herd ... great project, outstanding community, been through the ringer, but folks have hung in there, and continue to add. Thanks

9 34