

Art skonk
A creator of squish

Some other places:

フォロー数:476 フォロワー数:375

You have been stomped!

"Two" new stickers as well as a new design for the skunk pawb, bigger and squishier paw pad

0 7

Page 2 of the two page comic that I was supposed to have done in May is finally ready!

and featuring lots and lots of butt

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The pone butt is coming for you

be ready

4 25

A certain pone has finally gotten their first stickers

2 25

I finally had a shark week idea come to me...on Sunday
so no finished image this time I'm afraid ;-;

but here's my attempt at shooting the idea from my head into an image

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You've been horsed!

I know I've been gone again for quite some time. I plan to get a little thing posted up soon about what's been going on my end.

Wanted to get some sits drawn and out there before I vanished off to bed today

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Skunko tries to be cute

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