

Hello. I identify as a 22 yo rant. Mentally and Physically.
On all levels of my being I complain.
Even more if I know you personally.
I'm sorry Acies 🦭💖🌹

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I wanted to draw my Micheal again, because he fun and colourful! And not cute.

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Since ObeyMe! leaked angel designs today I'm gonna leak mine for Michael and Gabriel that I had since some time now too.
Meet salty in person and 500% done and 90% hair.

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Bonus: When he blep his wings turn pink.

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I drew little demon Luci. He so smug because he fits inside your poket.

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I remebered twitter too because mostly this is for or whatever you want to say.

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I shall remember to post on Twitter from now on too.
Kitty boi will play pranks on me if I don't, let's say that.

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This is the most beautiful thing I have ever made so twitter can have it too.

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