

Obsessed with making RPGs and stories about ladies who love ladies. Currently working on Izrand Allure! She/her

フォロー数:388 フォロワー数:848

Not confident enough to use any of the tags going around, but here is some of my art XD

The first is an orc sorceress I played for like a single session in a tabletop game, Zero is from 's Soul Sunder and Maria and Esther are from

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Thank you so much! I commissioned and she drew it for me, her art is so amazing! :DDD

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I wanna do a Quest Questers/Last Minute Gift style game, but I want the character sets to match the drawn backgrounds, so I tried to draw one frame of a Chantel sprite. ...Not really happy with it so far, but practice makes perfect XD

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I want to go back to working on my character art. If I can improve, I might get to the level of confidence where I can draw my own characters in a big future game without feeling like the art's not good enough

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But she's so awesome, though!

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Have you ever had a terrible, awful idea but did it anyway?
Kept seeing those "Draw Sailor Moon in your own style" and given what I just finished drawing...

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Needed another ghost enemy for the W&U bonus dungeon so I drew this little weirdo XD

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