saturn 🪐さんのプロフィール画像

saturn 🪐さんのイラストまとめ

#BB: glory to the BB Channel • fate, pokemon, gi, hsr, attack on titan and chainsaw man enjoyer. i like BB alot.…

フォロー数:2733 フォロワー数:6181

'let's see what all this grimace shake thing is about-'

5682 52987

the BB channel logo actually has 2 different BB silhouettes, fitting each BB sprite used in the respective game

20 132

when you you you when you when when when when when you when

18 158

today i learned there are gudaguda cookies

25 230

oh nice we got some new nero sprites it seems

80 749

here's a handy scheme containing most of the sakurafaces

99 673