ART: @JosephSeraph
🎂29, 🌎BR / Artes Visuais - ECA USP'24
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Can you give us a PS4 port preeeetty pleeeeease???? ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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they're underaged even if they have big breasts? now that's weird

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acho que o VH representa a caricatura gay solitaria e tosquinha dentro de todos nós e é uma realidade triste e cruel

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I just drew Charlie from Hereditary as Mami Tomoe

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ok now this is one artbook i wanna get my hands on one day

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Desculpa, Final Fantasy XII mais conhecido como Final Fantasy X-2? n entendi

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eu imaginei que fosse mas ela ta tao diferente em cada roupa que parece a usagi disfarçada

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