

dd’s oc account

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i always use this pic but hes so cute gdjshsjs. he loves food. and. humans he loves humans a lot he thinks theyre wonderful and interesting and loves to interact with them as a Yuga-Ino’s Sacred Winter Buffalo (tm). the people of the villge respect buffalos and treat them so

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that is so cute though ugh fear and the only other god he likes hed be so good with small children if he wasnt homicidal with a vengeance. and also raju isnt even a chikd hes just bite sized. bapy god

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i love drawing fear like thid he looks so ominous

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HMMMM NO KINASSIGN but i think ud like kamea obv but also camille . (ignore the old lady on the right thats clydes mom .)

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daughters i will protect:

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reminiscing......... my art was so warm.... and a bunch of these bitches are gone. why did i draw under boob

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had so many emo clyde drawings . ngl i miss doing lineless like the 4th pic

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i am always thinking about you

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