

inactive because of uni + crippling addiction to valorant and overwatch

フォロー数:490 フォロワー数:69

tommy released his lore stream just in time for me not to have finished this sketch

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I had this vision of a SBI DnD party with Tommy inviting the NPC to join them (totally not for a robbery)

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i'm alive again... :,) uni really is taking a toll on me

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the only thing I got from that election stream was tubbo yelling at george

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no thoughts head empty just nihachu as a salmon tailed mermaid

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I also think a lot about Sapnap in Killua's other outfits but this blue one is so iconic 🥺

also sdfsdfs thank you so much for feeding us with killunap 🙏

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I have failed to manifest killua outfit sapnap so I have decided to feed myself -

I want more killunap so much ToT

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one down . .. three to go . .. can I pay someone to finish my sketches for me

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I heard it was loving Techno day... I'm sorry this was supposed to a pig sketchpage but it...evolved

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kind of random but tommy's hair reminds me of gladion so null maybe?

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