

She/Her. TTRPG Art Director & Project manager for the games industry. Casual photographer, Dungeon Master & Fashion Marketing specialist.

フォロー数:1184 フォロワー数:1650

Merci Zeni ♥️
Heya, je suis dispo pour portraits, plein pied, concept de personnages ! Plus d'info ici : https://t.co/LcwS11YCNx

0 8

What do you mean is trending? That's litterally 90% of my portfolio and i have so many of them. Commissions, OC, NPC from my games... have it all!

3 12

Hello 👋
I am a freelance concept artist who specializes in characters & costumes for video games and TTRPG ❤️.
💼 https://t.co/7GYP8fY0y6
✉️ contact.com

10 14

Third time is a charm ✨ got to DM tonight after a month break for this group
(Damn I love my players so much 😭❤️)

0 20

[FR] DnD - Les aventuriers tente d'échapper de la prison des Enfants de la Malice... enfin... comme on peut quoi...
Avec et moi!

5 11

DnD Pride 25 & 26 - Jandar and Viktor, NPCs from my dnd campaign :D

2 14

[FR] On reprend les aventures en Edhassian avec la fine troupe et myself en DM :D

4 8

Quick, quick, need to catch up!
DnD Pride 18 - Ishi, my descent into avernus character :D

2 19