Dr. Ursula Murphyさんのプロフィール画像

Dr. Ursula Murphyさんのイラストまとめ

English and History teacher @olcdrogheda.TCD and DCU alumna. Part-time lecturer. Intercultural education and English teaching. Story-telling. Anti-racism.

フォロー数:3730 フォロワー数:1251

"I never painted for the glory of war but to portray its pathos and heroism" Lady Elizabeth Butler who lived out her days close to where I live at Gormanston with her daughter Eileen Preston, the 15th Viscountess Gormanston. She is buried in the graveyard in Stamullen.

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Happy Birthday born on this day in 1865 at Sandymount. Love this drawing of the young Yeats by his father John circa 1872-74 and looking forward to visiting again very soon!

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That old geezer was right as Aesop says 'slow and steady wins the race'!

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and if you're excessively verbose, you may also run the risk of an embarrassing outbreak of malapropism!

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What utterly 'entitled' balls...ox!!

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Beautiful war memorial and so carefully tended. 19 th century Afghanistan's stunning and strategic location was also its tragedy as the prize in the land grab struggle between empires (the ironically named 'Great Game'). Its people's centuries old struggle for peace continues..

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It's ironic that this 1788 document alludes to the idea of government to be 'administered by men over men' but then again in ancient Greece, I guess demos excluded women and slaves too. Plus ça change...

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Edvard Munch's 1919 Self Portrait with Spanish Flu captures powerfully the terrible pyschic pain of isolation

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Great article! I think that our deeply Irish love affair with literature has something to do with what Keats describes in an 1817 letter to his brother as our ability to be in ‘uncertainties, mysteries, doubts without any irritable reaching after fact and reason’

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My brother and I used the same method and we used to share the kitchen table when doing homework. A line of defence involving salt cellars, sugar bowls and jugs was constructed to create ‘me’ space. We were expert sharers!

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