

Usa | UX/UI Designer but just draws and retweeting here | 中英OK

フォロー数:267 フォロワー数:314

8) Ernest? He's getting better I swear, but also one step away from ascended. Perhaps he's not "terrible dealing with", but just shows the most reaction against tragedies.

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6) A wholesome chase after a kitty during AA event which Ernest was selling sweets in Koben. The cat was named Silky Milky and sweets were mentioned so I think this is wholesome yea?

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5) Jens is a literal terrorist.

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4) Jack, my boy. He was either strongly loved or hated in-universe, but since I don't have much villains (most of them still can act nice), he'll be the represent. Most liked is Ansel, he's just very agreeable and a good kid.

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3) Old old OCs: ???(nameless, in progress of redesign) and Liu Xian. Both managed to be well versed in their spell casts techniques and knowledge only because of their devotion to the deities of their respective world.

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2) Melanie, pending AA oc, who i love as a character but would probably hate irl if I ever get involved with her personally. Not the most pleasant person but she has reasons justifying most of her actions. [repost because twitter order]

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1) None of them but if I have to pick: Su Rui shares the most common likes/dislikes and morale standards w/ me but he's an active party boi (i'm not). I first join him in a group giving him a trash bag as his only item, so in terms of that we are also both trash

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what a wonderful read and suffering for i believe... 7 books?

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Paying contribution to this fandom--
So enjoy some discount doggo

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[arcem alva] Month of Frost babies but now just January babies I guess ❄️

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