Just joined another community #FatRatMafia 🙌! I didn’t choose the @fatratmafia life, it chose me! #GangGang 🤣🤣🤣
Just got this 🔥 #NotOkayBear #NFT
Thanks @brandontour for letting me bring this little guy home (in my wallet). ✊ 💛
CC: @Not_OkayBears 🙌
Do (dented) not broken people and not okay people follow back!?
@ufonft2 thanks 🙏 for the 🔥 art added to my wallet!
I missed your DM shills 🤣! Hope your weekend is going well and you are on holiday 😉. You making them 💰 of ETH now! 💪
Click the pic to see animation… it’s amazing 🤩 new #PFP #NFT thing-a-mabobbies I got with that super sketch #cryptocurrecy that all the rich 🤑 folk don’t want you to buy…
#NewProfilePic 💪 🥹