

20+ | lots of nsfw retweets | dp and banner by my bff @little_lilikoi who dragged me into this hell with her--god bless her soul |

フォロー数:415 フォロワー数:81

god damn i want to be this tsumtsum SO. BAD.

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ways to hold a mug. every year a make a resolution to more and i never do it... better late than never

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okay. how do you look at this face and not want him to step on you? i am just speaking facts

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when will my husband return from the war

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what dobby did after he got the sock.

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lawd gimme the strength to keep practicing and let this be the last time i wait 6 years to touch my tablet again.

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so i finally got off my lazy ass and finished this. never forget wen ning was an excellent archer. wen sect represent!

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