

Twitter account mostly for art posting.
Follow for more artwork from me
Discord: EchoKawaiiUwU#0273

フォロー数:130 フォロワー数:72

I been learning alot from teacher Yaki Mayu, she is drawing alot of great artwork and got my respect.

Even the artwork below is just a sketch, its still my respect for her. Maybe I'll done it someday.

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i want this cam so badly

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I have fully redesigned, mostly the clothing.
For all the character setting of her will be explained at the future(I guess), since I was planning to make some short manga by using it.
And yes, I do have another male character(aka her twin older brother) but I rare draw it.

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希望您在台灣一切安好w 本來也想去台灣看看的但是因爲疫情的關係沒辦法讓(失望
希望以后可以跟往常一樣活潑跟青春 往自己喜歡的東西前進而不放棄啊啊啊(撒花

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