

Mr. VVV / Vin / Triple V | He/Him

| DONT REPOST MY STUFF SMH!! | Gore Warning But Rare | Multi-fandom, so don't follow for 1 thing |

| Taken by @VAlekseya |

フォロー数:90 フォロワー数:264

Troll doodles.

New verymutant OC, and Troll Boba. Why did I randomly draw it and does it work? I won't say because honestly doubtpeoplewilllistentomyramlings.

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Met a Fly and a Bettle. Changelings I'm basing on bugs because ordinary fairies are not my style.

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Happy Birthday, ! Hope ya have a great birthday! <•3

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Party time. <•3 🎈

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Totally normal lunch with two totally normal friends

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VeRY old oc turned human... Ish. Whhhhyyy? B-becausehelookstoomuchofacloneofaobviousthing. And the fact I didn't know what the fuck he even was before so y e a h

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