

call me bunbun or cass, either is good!!!
25+ lesbian who enjoys vanguard
you can use my art however you like as long as you credit this twitter please

フォロー数:35 フォロワー数:35
# cfv

Tetsuren for !!!! it was so slow but I worked on this steadily inbetween work v_v more soon

11 12

I was looking through my old laptop and I offer you an older Naoki pic from back when I primarily did lineless

2 8

Last pic for now until I draw some more ✌️

5 9

More old lowquality artfiles.... 😭

3 6

Have some older kaichi too...

6 6

more misaki/kourin content pleas

9 9

my first post hello i'm shy...gonna post art here

11 12