

Hi I'm Lott and I'm an artist every now and then | Slowly working on my Visual Novel @totalupheaval

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Commission for a friend for a fun project Ive got going. The tl;dr is if you mixed SCP and Venom to create mutants. Theres a long explanation of the concept on this discord: https://t.co/4yc3D9RnqV

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Oops forgot to post this on twitter too. Here's another character that'll appear in my game! Laszlo is street smart but definitely doesn't know his times tables

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Its been a productive two days! I spent yesterday tinkering with GUI and today learning how to pixel art. I'm really happy with the progress so here's a preview of the game I'm working on

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Hi! I have commissions open because I have big class gaps this semester. The two drawings are recent commissions, more info can be found here: https://t.co/V2iG6Fi9fv

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Heyyo I'm Lott and I like to design characters and draw till my hand cramps. Here's a couple pieces to get to know me a little!

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