

I am a big fan of Toriyama's sensei works.
ALSO i love Megaman, Tekken and Sonic games. I hope you like my art. Please don't spam likes in more than 5 tweets.

フォロー数:969 フォロワー数:6042

Hey i'm not ded :^D Super Saiyan Two Kiddo Buratsu

7 56

Nobu: B-BLANCO?! Masaka... This is the power of the Angels, isn'it?

Gohan: Owarida, Nobu.

Also, El Hermano have a name: Nobu! it's "Obun" = Oven in japanese :^D

Why i put so many effort in a joke shit... :'u

14 100

Version without effects! Shida Shading :^D

2 21

Welp i did an art trade with a friend, and... i exagered a bit in the final result :y Isn'it Broly, just have the same transformation :^D

7 32

Praise manga, maeda, new toriyama, shintaini, onishi, nakatsuru, mikidai... i don't wil say everyone here >:u

5 30

It's very far from Oda Style. And design it's very far from goku too.

0 7

Dois anos atrás eu fiz um desenho de Buratsu usando seu ataque principal, então decidi fazer novamente! Estou bem cansado pra pintar, por hora...

8 55

Some Random Things from today :y

I really enjoyed the results of Buratsu on this one :y

4 31