

フォロー数:494 フォロワー数:60950

I have no memory of drawing this

24 199

First Reaper (one of the first, maybe: January 26, 2019 according to time stamps) versus latest.

51 269

Preview of this week’s reward:

28 146

Saw this cursed item last week + trying out new shitpost style.

77 357

Outing myself because I probably got locked out of my secret Sigma account too thanks to new tw*tter so might as well post here. Old sketch from way back when.

58 303

Tfw you wanna help kids but you're also creepy asf

1 38

It's the small joys in life

1 16

Forbidden Reaper skin

115 330

Idk about that but I just want whatever would get this guy to dick me down while still in full armor, the armor is non-negotiable

0 2

I don't care about top/bottom discourse it's Christmas Eve you degenerates get out of my mentions

0 26