

In the shadows and underground, lurks a hidden empire of rats, eager to inherit the earth. We are known as the Verminati. 🐀

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They will never suspect. 🐀

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As 2020 draws to a close, we cannot help but to look upon all we have accomplished this year with sense of pride.

We sincerely wish you a prosperous new year, filled with hope and the promise that the dawn of a Rat World Order will soon be upon us.

-The Secret Masters 🐀

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To bring you comfort in these uncertain times, take solace in the fact that rodents account for nearly half of all mammals on Earth. 🐀

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As we approach the nearing of the end of the Dog Days of Summer and the rest of the world continues it’s decent into madness, let us not forget to take a moment, cool off, and enjoy life’s simple pleasures. 🐀

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We know what you keep in your pantry. This begs the question: what constitutes a non junk food day?

The temptation is great, brothers and sisters, but do not overindulge. We need you in fine fettle for the days to come. 🐀

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Our visionary directors within the Mischief of Design are quite literally small artists. 🐀

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Every a certain amount of remain unfound. Be vigilant.

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On this day, in 1889, the was officially opened with a ceremony, coinciding with the centenary of the French Revolution.

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At this point, we are feeling bad for you all. So, here is a tip: is not a new and it did not originate in It is easily avoidable. 🐀

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