

believe in LoVe

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Didn’t get coldplay tickets but I am still grateful for all that has been and for what is yet to come ❤️

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Okay so with my college time coming to an end and LP8 being very close, I was thinking about drawing a new coldplay picture like this one 👇🏽 Any suggestions?

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I can’t wait for coming back into our lives! I can’t wait for new music, interviews and videos. But above all, I can’t wait to see all the amazing people I’ve met at various Coldplay concerts.

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cooked a ful smart dinner yesterday including roasted onion and peppers tart, black bean brownies and the beetroot chocolate cake!

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since I’m flying to LA/SF in 2 days and you being the first person who pops into my mind when thinking about’s a little throwback of 2 drawings I did.. maybe you remember😊

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