fallacy ♔さんのプロフィール画像

fallacy ♔さんのイラストまとめ

tweeting verum rex into existence.

フォロー数:1103 フォロワー数:1199

ik i've tweeted this before but. tell me i'm wrong

1 8

raiden shogun your hand in marriage...................

1 13

happy birthday rach!!! hope you're having a good one 🎉🎉

0 3

Is it me or Sony be making their lead female protagonist look masculine as hell..barely no curves or rough non feminine features..Unlike the average woman. Like *cough cough..TLOU2’s Ellie…etc. Just saying
Pic from the game on the left, fan made on right. Hire fans lol https://t.co/6pKatTCUVN

2 17

aranoct crumbs...... it's been 64 years.......

0 39

of course she has thirteen buttons lmfao

74 439

kinda wish her outfit was more like the herrscher of thunder alt skin but it's fine once a mei simp always a mei simp

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