

Grimm / Chroma / Chrys / Ves | They/them | 23 | Digital artist, animator | NSFW DNI. Hii I draw and animate and whatnot.…

フォロー数:93 フォロワー数:537


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all i have art wise rn are doodles

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if i had the power i would make an entire webcomic on it but instead i have an au and REALLY old doodles (bc i cant find. most of the ones i showed autumn when we met last year)

and then like two recent ones ig
1 year difference of art goddamn

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I havent done lineless art in a hot minute

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follow me sometimes i draw quality art sometimes i doodle bendy stealing your wallet

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i forgot the closeup i might be stupid

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im trying to get out of art block so bad

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bet yall didn't know one of my oldest special interests is transformers. here's two new ocs i designed literally 2 hours ago.

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idk who's wallet this is but it belongs to me now (we split the goods)

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