

Showing animated series I make in Anime Studio/Moho: Vexus, DSBT InsaniT, Dreamscape, Animated Duels. Animation talk (esp. WOY), YuGiOh, & dream journals too.

フォロー数:184 フォロワー数:85

I know I say "I think about thing a lot", but THIS Tweet right here, I actually DO think about a lot! I know coming from Disney, its basically that Squidward "me and the besties" meme, but its still really beautiful, especially posting it way after WOY ended.

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The professors are both so... ::eyes emoji::

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Dangerous, threatening villain thrown into your silly cartoon to shake things up!

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There is something hilarious about the closeup of Patrick's empty hand when he forgets he already ate his chocolate bar in 'Life of Crime'. Like, why is this shot there?! We clearly saw him eat it! We don't need a confirmation shot! Its so mundane and unnecessary that its funny.

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