

20+, she/her, ENG/GER/日本語

I draw girls in love with each other, pokemon, creatures and comics.
(Expect mayakuro✨, diakko and snoms/zigzagoons)


フォロー数:78 フォロワー数:251

Secret santa part two for
Drawing traditionally is just evil and it's a crime that tapping on the paper twice doesn't undo your last brush stroke 😭

8 28

Day 4 - AU (yes of course I drew volleyball/haikyuu au)

33 99

Day 2 - Distance, but drawing angst is lava xD

23 77

Best possible start into a Monday morning with

28 81

Hello, I'm back with the spy x family au

82 273

I saw that cute frog meme by and just had to draw a little comic with it

23 43

Genshin outfits shouldn't be allowed to be this detailed, this took way too long to draw.

19 56