

doodling and vibin' while make art (ꈍᴗꈍ)
Digital Artist

‼️(( N. Don't Repost or Use Any of my Works Without Permission ! ! ))‼️

フォロー数:64 フォロワー数:161

is vewy vewy pwetty , is qween , is fwenn .

i like bunny .

2 16

might be a utterly dumbass fool , but he is one of the greatest people i've met . he's a great friend and although we don't talk much any more , i wish the best for him and hope he makes it big ! he deserve the world along with a lot of other people !

4 17

just putting this up here before i go to bed :)

0 15

. i tried something a little new (?) and im still second guessing whether or not i like it . this style a bit different and im- yeah , imma just stop there before i go on a rant ? i am so confused- ; ~ ;

1 23

oh btw , new persona design ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ

0 24

. go follow this person cuz dis person poggers .

1 25

lighting is hard ; ~ ;

2 20

book number VI lmao

2 28