

early20s autistic transfem
extremely aroace girl who read Sunstone, learned self-bondage, and had an estrogen spike at the same time so now im Like This

フォロー数:1280 フォロワー数:670

// danganronpa

pfft i can do that too watch this

2 11

komaru is the cutest danganronpa girl send tweet

8 35

shuichi vs kiibo rap battle

6 20

// nsfw text

prays🙏🏻 dirty house🏚
educated📚 hoe🚂
a job💰 gold digger🏗
clean pussy😌 stank pussy🤢
loyal💍 5 kids👨‍👩‍👧‍👦
faithful👼🏻 cheater🖇

12 41

🤢🤢🤢🤮🤮 🥰🥰🥰😍😍

8 110