

||She/Her || I draw what inspires me (mostly any form of media, really) || Check out my linktree! :) ||

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I can't tell you how much I love The Thing and Kurt Russell

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1am self indulgent portrait for practice

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It is spooktober finally! I religiously watch OTGW and thought startin' the month off with Wirt was a good choice

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God can I just say how much I love Hila? She's so pretty and talented and just an overall icon <3

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Fun fact: I never take my Tally Hall sweater. It's peak comfort esp now since school is hitting me like an 18 wheeler going 200 mph

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Found this WIP in my file. Decided to fix his shoes, nose and add a lil background while playing with the lighting :)

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saw photo and thought, "God needs a pink princess" so yes it's just as cursed as imagine but your smile is still beautiful xox

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Just saw LOZ SlightlyArtistic and i'm hoping my rough contribution is good enough

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Special bday to this beauty took my roughly an hour but your beauty cannot be timed

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