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Me orgulho muito dessa daqui pq acho que consegui atingir A pintura do jeito que eu imaginava

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Hm eu percebi agora que postei um so com cor pela metade rs

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Esse cara pode ser eu, se nao pelo traçado pelo menos pelas cores 🥺

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Moonlight Fountain I've been working on

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I’ve decided to post some video process as well, I think this is the short version, but I really don’t remember 🤪  

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Heeeeey, I’m Vini

Here are my recent projects and artworks, I hope some of you enjoy them. Thank you all for the support 🥺😍🤗

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Hello everyone, I’m vini, I’m an artist and I’m graduating in game art and design. Hope y’all like my eorks

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Hey hey I’m vini and this is what I’ve been up to, thanks for the support. definitely deserves more love

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