

Praying for Blade (2035) 💘
Video reviews: @MyCosmicCircus…

フォロー数:3885 フォロワー数:1689

The Maximoff family tree could be a whole series on HBO

13 103

Ghost Rider by is such a good, simple horror comic. It shares DNA with Danny Ketch's 90s series, but with a chilling modern spin. I love the sinister creepiness in every issue. No idea where the story is going but I'm enjoying the journey

2 13

Coming this Wednesday! THE VARIANTS by

I know almost nothing about this series but I'm so excited to find out soon!

14 80

The Evolution of Yusuf Khan

6 50

Want some comic prep for episode 4?

Check out Ms. Marvel: Civil War II:
- Original story of Aisha and the bangle
- Kamala goes to Pakistan
- Red Dagger intro
- Bruno's injury

Ms. Marvel (2015)

8 62

I love how these title cards feel exactly like the animations in the show

Ms. Marvel (2015)

5 44

New powers, same moment

Ms. Marvel (2014)

7 38