

i was in a gamexplain video one time

フォロー数:159 フォロワー数:1912

it's a reasonable assumption, i guess. Super Mario 2 Bros.: Mario Madness

4 16

think about dedede's amiibo that for some reason is basically a beta version of his star allies design

0 9

now on one hand i'm a pac-man alt apologist but on the other hand he could've at least had some hats like the pokémon

2 32

i think this is maybe an unpopular opinion but i really like sonic's alts in smash. i think it wouldn't look right to have sonic not be blue or a shade close to it. they're all distinct enough because of his shade and how they change his gloves and shoes

6 51

something i didn't believe until i looked at it myself is that dedede's ssb4 model is very nearly identical to his brawl model other than the textures

21 174

this is the best ZSS fan art out there

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